Monday, September 30, 2019

The Importance of Being Educated

I believe that Early Childhood centres should create a positive environment where children are more stimulated, happy, comfortable and safe from harm. Where learning is more meaningful and children can be extended. I believe that children learn in a holistic way through play. They learn by being actively involved. The process of a child's work is important not just the results. They learn through stages at their own pace. The adults role in children's learning is to provide scaffolding for the child's endeavours, supports and connections, that are removed and replaced when and where they are needed. Adults need to provide a developmentally appropriate programme to cater for all children. There is a need to plan for each child based on their own interests, strengths and needs. The curriculum planning should be based on the principles of Te Whaariki and the knowledge that all children are individuals. I feel that there is a need for Early Childhood Educators to work in partnership with parents/caregivers and Whaanau. This is an essential part of providing the best possible opportunities for children to reach their fullest potential. I recognise that parent/caregivers and Whaanau are the major sources for this knowledge. Which is a very valuable resource for teachers. Therefore there must be a good relationship between centre staff and parents to provide a strong connection and consistency among all aspects of the child's world. I believe that the uniqueness of each child should be valued. To apply the principle of fairness to all practices within the centre and to avoid discrimination as the basis of culture, gender, disability, religion or class. I feel that all children have the right to attend a centre. I am committed to providing an environment in which every child is enriched by the dual cultures of the treaty partners. I recognise that we are becoming a multicultural society and realise the importance of understanding the diversity that this brings to Early Childhood Education. I believe that Te Reo Maori should be actively included into the centres programme. It is important as an Early Childhood Educator to work as a team member, where each member is encouraged to utilise their own individual skills. There needs to be open and honest communication between staff members to create on effective team. It is also necessary for staff to have common goals and work together to achieve them. I feel that the management of children's behaviour must be fair and consistent. Teachers and adults must model and promote peaceful conflict resolution methods to enable children to learn and deal with conflict in an appropriate way. I also believe that the development of self-esteem by positive reinforcement of appropriate behaviour is important to safeguard the rights and emotional development of every child at the centre. I believe that it is necessary for teachers to be involved in a continuing process of professional development to keep in touch with the changes that are constantly effecting the Early Childhood Education field. The Importance of Being Educated I believe that Early Childhood centres should create a positive environment where children are more stimulated, happy, comfortable and safe from harm. Where learning is more meaningful and children can be extended. I believe that children learn in a holistic way through play. They learn by being actively involved. The process of a child's work is important not just the results. They learn through stages at their own pace. The adults role in children's learning is to provide scaffolding for the child's endeavours, supports and connections, that are removed and replaced when and where they are needed. Adults need to provide a developmentally appropriate programme to cater for all children. There is a need to plan for each child based on their own interests, strengths and needs. The curriculum planning should be based on the principles of Te Whaariki and the knowledge that all children are individuals. I feel that there is a need for Early Childhood Educators to work in partnership with parents/caregivers and Whaanau. This is an essential part of providing the best possible opportunities for children to reach their fullest potential. I recognise that parent/caregivers and Whaanau are the major sources for this knowledge. Which is a very valuable resource for teachers. Therefore there must be a good relationship between centre staff and parents to provide a strong connection and consistency among all aspects of the child's world. I believe that the uniqueness of each child should be valued. To apply the principle of fairness to all practices within the centre and to avoid discrimination as the basis of culture, gender, disability, religion or class. I feel that all children have the right to attend a centre. I am committed to providing an environment in which every child is enriched by the dual cultures of the treaty partners. I recognise that we are becoming a multicultural society and realise the importance of understanding the diversity that this brings to Early Childhood Education. I believe that Te Reo Maori should be actively included into the centres programme. It is important as an Early Childhood Educator to work as a team member, where each member is encouraged to utilise their own individual skills. There needs to be open and honest communication between staff members to create on effective team. It is also necessary for staff to have common goals and work together to achieve them. I feel that the management of children's behaviour must be fair and consistent. Teachers and adults must model and promote peaceful conflict resolution methods to enable children to learn and deal with conflict in an appropriate way. I also believe that the development of self-esteem by positive reinforcement of appropriate behaviour is important to safeguard the rights and emotional development of every child at the centre. I believe that it is necessary for teachers to be involved in a continuing process of professional development to keep in touch with the changes that are constantly effecting the Early Childhood Education field.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Robert Smithson

Robert Smithson remains one of the most influential and original artists of modern times who has had a major impact on artists of his generation, and continues to do so today. Smithson's provocative works, made in the mid-sixties to early seventies, redefined the language of sculpture. He was one of the founders of the art form known as earthworks or land art, and is most well known for the Spiral Jetty, 1970, located in the Great Salt Lake, Utah. This monumental earthwork was inspired in part when Smithson saw the Great Serpent Mound, a Pre-Columbian Indian monument in southwestern Ohio. The earthworks were a radical departure from making formal objects situated in a gallery setting. The Spiral Jetty embodied one of his goals which was to place work in the land rather than situated on the land. Smithson's earthworks defined an entirely original notion of landscape art. Dissatisfied with the art of this time, Smithson did not limit himself to any one form or style of art. He moved beyond modernism by abandoning rules and traditional art materials. Smithson defied convention and produced works that could not be easily categorized. He used non-traditional art materials such as language, mirrors, maps, dump trucks, abandoned quarries, hotels, contractors, and earth to produce his radical sculptures, photographs, films, and earthworks. PARTIALLY BURIED WOODSHED Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Jan, 1970 one woodshed and twenty truckloads of earth; 18'6†³ x 10'2†³ x 45†² Smithson explored ideas involving decay and renewal, chaos and order with his Earthworks. He spoke at great length in interviews and essays on decay and his notion of time. Partially Buried Woodshed, 1970, Kent State University, Kent State, was a piece Smithson created on site during an invitational arts festival. He located an abandoned woodshed and poured earth on to the structure until it cracked. This work is a prime example of Smithson's personal ideas about the importance of decay and time, leaving it to be â€Å"subject to weathering, which should be considered part of the piece†. This quote is from a statement Smithson signed when he donated the work to Kent State University. Smithson developed a wide variety of photographic works – none of which dealt with traditional composition. One such work, Spiral Jetty Film Stills, 1970, is a three-paneled work of black and white images that were taken during the making of the Spiral Jetty. Other photographic works incorporated collage with text or maps. His photographs are both artwork and documentation and are not traditional images of the landscape in artistic terms. In 1970 Smithson moved his work outside of the gallery walls to concentrate entirely on earthworks such as the Spiral Jetty, Partially Buried Woodshed and Amarillo Ramp. At this time a small group of artists were rethinking their ideas about art in relationship to the land. These endeavors in the land helped Smithson to explore chaos and order - how natural forces such as wind, rain, heat and cold, would affect the work over time. Nancy Holt, Smithson's wife and an artist in her own right, has said of the Spiral Jetty†¦ In its scale and ideas, this sculpture embodies the spirit of some of the great monuments of past civilizations yet it is wholly contemporary in concept and execution†. The earthworks enabled Smithson to express his ideas about art existing in the landscape, while simultaneously producing an art form that was non-commercial, existing outside of the traditional viewing spaces. It could not be owned or seen easily. The earthworks are known by most only throug h photographs. HOMEWORK TASK: Complete a conceptual framework analysis on a work of your choice created by Robert Smithson. DO NOT select an artwork that features in this booklet. A good place to start is: www. robertsmithson. com/index_. htm This is the official website of the artist. Once you have selected your work use the Internet to locate further information about the work, you will need this to complete your conceptual framework. Use the conceptual framework on the following page to record your information. Print an image of the work with a full citation which can be glued into your artbook.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Rich Brother – Loyal to a Fault

Pete: Loyal to a Fault â€Å"The Rich Brother,† by Tobias Wolff is the story of two brothers that from all accounts couldn’t be more different. Pete, the elder brother, is the epitome of the American Dream. He has worked hard and become an entrepreneur, has a wife and kids, and even brags about an ocean view from his home. Donald is completely opposite. He is for the most part unemployed, and although he is a spiritual person, he has been unable to find the right fit for his spirituality and bounced from religion to religion. The Rich Brother,† begins at the end of Donald’s most recent search for spirituality when he must call his brother, Pete, knowing that Pete cannot deny his brother’s need for help yet again, and asks to be picked up from the communal farm where he had been living. Throughout the story the reader sees numerous examples of Pete’s sense of responsibility toward his brother, his love and his dedication for family; however, Pe te’s dominant characteristic is that he is loyal to a fault, making him an enabler of his brother’s childish ways at the same time allowing himself to be taken advantage of.The first evidence the reader has of Pete’s loyalty to his family and Donald occurs within the first few paragraphs when the reader finds out that after Donald fails to find his way living in an Ashram as a Hindu, Pete paid his extensive medical bills from an undiagnosed case of hepatitis. As adults in the â€Å"real world,† we are expect to take responsibility for our own actions by both learning from a less than ideal life experience and paying back a debt, whether through finances or with a change in future behavior.Donald doesn’t see it that way though, and appears to have no sense of the value of money and how tough it was for Pete to earn it. He also lacks the physical capability to pay his brother back because before Pete is even finished paying off Donald’s bills he has found Christianity and joined a pentecostal community and begun to speak his new truth in tongues. Donald knows that Pete will again bail him out the next time as he had done before.It is just a bit further into the story that we see Pete allow his loyalty to open himself up again to be taken advantage of when Donald demonstrates his lack of life skills, affecting the quality of life for others on the farm. This results in his being asked to leave the farm. Rather than work things out for himself, Donald calls Pete, knowing he can count on his brother for assistance to out of Paso Robles. It is no surprise that Pete’s immediate response is to state that his brother will come live with his wife and family while Donald gets on his feet.Additionally, Pete ends up driving a number of hours from Santa Cruz to physically pick his brother up because past experiences in loaning money to Donald and that of the Ashram in Berkeley, have taught Pete that simply giving Donald money is a no win situation. Donald’s non-existent life skills combined with Pete’s inability to create boundaries with his brother by saying, â€Å"no† is just another occurrence of Pete believing he is helping even though, it may not be the right thing to do for Donald in the long term.Again and again Pete’s unrelenting loyalty removes any need for Donald to fully act like an adult. Upon arriving at the gas station, Donald immediately requests money for food he has purchased, food he has consumed knowing he is unable to pay for it. Without a second thought Pete opens his wallet and produces $100, far more money than is actually owed. When Donald tries to give some of it back to his brother, Pete says, â€Å"I can’t keep track of all these nickels and dimes. Just pay me back when your ship comes in.Go on – take it! † (615). These are perhaps words parents might use with their college age child to ensure their child has enough to get them through a tough time, maybe a week during school exams or something. A parent knows that the money is not going to be paid back, just as Pete knows Donald will never pay the money back to him. This situation reinforces the idea that Pete enables Donald to take advantage of him. Just as history repeats itself, so does the cycle that is Pete and Donald.Donald once again takes advantage of his brother’s loyalty when on the drive home from the farm the brothers pick up Webster, a hitchhiker and conman. Webster spins a tale too good to be true but Donald can’t see anything other than dollar signs when Webster offers him a share in his gold mine in Peru. Pete, as most adults would have, can see the scam through Webster’s tale immediately and tries to help Donald see the truth by offering up multiple snarky comments and direct questions for Webster to answer. It’s just not enough though as Donald gives away Pete’s $100 to Webster in good faith for a share in the mine.This is a much larger issue than the fact that Donald just gave away Pete’s money and feels justified and blameless. The other issue is Pete’s – past experience should have taught Pete that Donald is incapable of understanding the value of other people’s money or material items, which is part of the reason he was asked to leave the farm. Throughout â€Å"The Rich Brother† there are so many examples of Pete being loyal to a fault, but none are as telling as when Pete and Donald argue over the money Donald has given away.The brothers fight until they can’t come to any option other than that Donald needs to get out of the car immediately at night in the middle of no where, effectively ending their co-dependent sibling relationship. By this point in life Pete should have realized that leaving Donald figure things out for himself may be the better alternative, but he just can’t. He is too loyal. Pete can’t even bear the idea of telling his wife that he left his brother along the side of the road with no where to turn.He can’t even kid himself – Pete knows that he is going to turn around and once again pick up the pieces of Donald’s mess, which will enable the cycle to repeat endlessly. All of these events lead one to wonder if Pete is a man driven by guilt. Is there any other reason that Pete, a reasonably successful man would allow himself to be taken advantage of and manipulated so often by Donald? The reader sees this manipulation when Donald questions Pete about why he has a new Mercedes, and why he chooses to skydive, all very expensive things, leaving Pete guiltily defending his choices to enjoy his success.Pete may also suffer from guilt for mistreating Donald after he underwent some sort of surgery as a child, a story that Donald adamantly recounts to Pete even though many years have passed and Pete isn’t even sure the events ever happened. Additionally, Pete av oids incurring any additional guilt on behalf of Donald by taking care of all of his needs as their mother did before she passed; a similar thought process for Pete as he doesn’t want to imagine the shame he will feel when he tells his wife why Donald is not with him.By the end of the story the reader can confidently assume that not only will Pete pick up Donald’s pieces but that he will once again put them back together for Donald, even though the best thing Pete could do for Donald would be to step back and allow Donald to take adult responsibility and find a way to put his own pieces back together, but, because absolute loyalty it is part of Pete’s nature it is also his biggest fault when dealing with his brother.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Defining Moment of the Discipline of Building Character Article

The Defining Moment of the Discipline of Building Character - Article Example A typical defining moment occurred in our business firm sometime back that forced the management into making a decision that would ordinarily seem crazy. The firm deals with interior designing focusing mostly on beautification accessories such as aquaria and sculptures and paintings. The management and the staff of the company were therefore quite excited when we received a local purchase order from a local bank ordering 35 aquaria from us for its various branches. We are a small company and the order was the largest we had ever received. We felt up to the task. Everybody rolled up their sleeves and got to work. Two days into the work, we received another substantial order for carpets and chairs for the local cathedral. The church had for a long time been our customers and had made numerous minor purchases from us. This purchase was the biggest they had made from us and they paid 25% of the total cost in line with our company terms of service. The bank had made a similar payment at t he time of ordering. The problem was that they needed the chairs and carpets within the fortnight, an uphill task considering that we had the aquaria order at hand. Disaster struck when the company’s request for credit was declined. We were left with a shortage of funds to complete both projects in time. Our efforts to acquire materials on credit also hit the rock. We, therefore, had to decide between one of our clients and deliver to one in time while failing the other. It is imperative to note that after delivering to one, we would have to wait for them to pay up so that we could complete the other’s project. We did not know which would be the lesser evil, to fail one of our most loyal customers or the client who had offered us our biggest deal yet. A solution seemed to present itself with the entry of a third client who wanted his beach house interior renovated. The customer was in no hurry to have the house refurbished. However, to have enough capital to complete b oth projects, we had to ask the third customer to pay fifty percent of the total cost and risk doing his project late as payment from the other two projects could be made anytime within 90 days.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Culture shock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Culture shock - Essay Example Three types of cultural adjustments are noted in the world. First, there is the culture surprise. This is experienced by individuals who note the superficial differences between the two cultures. For example, it is easy to notice the dressing style and attires of the two cultures. Similarly, an individual will note the language signs and nonverbal communication. Apparently, an individual moving from Saudi Arabia to America will note such differences. For example, the dressing in Saudi Arabia is different from the dressing in America. Secondly, there is the culture stress. This is where an individual has to adapt to the new culture. This could be a daunting task especially when an individual is immensely connected to their culture. In many cases, a person will learn these activities for acceptable living (McInnes 14). For example, a person will learn to drive a car while using the stated regulations. A perfect example is that, most of the American vehicles are left-hand-drive. This co uld be a daunting task to people who are used to driving Right-hand-drive vehicles. Thirdly, there is the ultimate culture shock. This is a psychological reaction, which is normal. These are the reactions to the stress experienced by a person emanating from the change in values. For example, when in America, shaking hands is a normal occurrence. As such, people will often shake hands as a way of greeting. In addition to this, hugging a person shows affection and connection. Saudi Arabia is a country dominated by the Islamic religion. As a fact, a better percentage of the country’s population practices Islam. Therefore, most of the values and beliefs are inclined to Islam. Secondly, Saudi Arabia is dominated by a single ethnic group, which takes close to 90%, as most of the people communicate through the Arabic dialect. As a fact, there is an immense difference between the mode of communication in the urban places and rural areas. Thirdly, people in Saudi Arabia have a liking for large and extended families. This enhances continuity of the family. Consequentially, the extended and large families have an advantage. For example, when they are involved in family business, most of the family members will be employed. It is noted that people in Saudi Arabia have a soft spot for nepotism (McInnes 34). This implies that it is safe to employ people who are trusted and known rather than employing people from other ethnic and family backgrounds. Fourthly, during entertainment, it is noted that only people of the same sex are allowed in a single room. Similarly, the attendance should dress conservatively and remove their shoes before gaining access to the house. Fifthly, people always eat with their right hand. This is after declaration that the left hand is unclean. Lastly, Arabians are generous when it comes to food. Therefore, people will be served in abundance. Apparently, the guest should try to taste all the servings. On the other hand, the United States has diverse religions. Some of the religious affiliations include Christians. This has influenced the diversity of the cultural values and beliefs in the United States (McInnes 17). Therefore, migrating from Saudi Arabia to United States will be a culture shock to an individual. For example, the Muslims have a preferred mode of dressing for both females and males. However, in the United States, each individual has a discrepancy to the choice of dressing code. This could adversely affect a

Reading Response to Thinking of Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reading Response to Thinking of Empire - Essay Example The nature of power creates an addiction to rule, resulting in several people seeking to have power. Through this, people become greedy, once they obtain power, they seek to hold onto it till they die; this is how people establish dynasties in the political field. Power can destroy a society, several people will always struggle to obtain and when they do, it consumes them and they are never the same. The privileges of power create greed, which also consumes the individuals who crave for power but do not have it. It results in people scheming and hoping to gain power. People will do whatever it takes to be in power. The bottom line is that in the end power makes people corrupt. The manner, in which the Romans and the English sought to establish empires, was a demonstration of how power was a negative factor in society. It resulted in several societies losing their homes and being consumed by the very empires that oppressed them. However, power is important to direct countries and individuals into some direction, be it good or bad. In the end, I find that without the hunger for power, the world would be a peaceful place to live. I can only wonder if a non-power hungry world will ever take center

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Improving Education Selection and Return Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words

Improving Education Selection and Return - Essay Example The new selection criteria are comprised of seventeen standards and other standards as well. The new selection criteria mention faculty, language, political, economic, religious, social, and previous academic factors as the key standards for evaluating universities. The key findings are the University of Washington Bothell has 19 PhD holders. It is privately and professionally administrated. The University of District of the Columbia is a public institution who faces the threats of political influence. Name Professor Subject Date Introduction The university selection criteria have changed over a period of time. Students face numerous issues while selecting a cost effective and professional university. With the passage of time and prevalence of globalization, selecting a professional university is nothing less than a challenge. There are various factors that must be taken into account before begin studying. For example, language has become a biggest barrier for overseas learning and e ducation. Every country or region has its own language in which education and learning is provided to the students. In Saudi Arabia, the Arabic language is employed to teach and communicate in the educational institutions. In the United States of America, English language serves as a communication tool between students and a professor. For a Saudi Student wishing to study abroad or in the United States of America, understanding and speaking of English language is an essential precondition. Without this language, it would be nearly impossible for the Saudi student to get education in the United States or any other country. The difference and effect of a private sector university and a public sector university cannot be underestimated. It is a common understanding that the public sector universities always remain under the influence of politicians and the political parties. On the other hand, it is also assumed that the private sector universities do not experience the similar level o f influence that is being experienced by the public sector universities. In addition to that, it is also experienced that the private sector universities remain more professional and competent in comparison with the public sector universities. In the following parts of this paper, first research methodology has been incorporated in which how the data was accessed and what problems were faced by the researcher are accounted for. It is followed by the Saudi Arabia selection criteria methodology has been provided in which Saudi Arabia criteria have been applied on the University of Washington Bothell and the University of the District of the Columbia. The new selection criteria have also been applied to these universities. Before the conclusion part, the results have been discussed to highlight the major findings in the work. Research methodology Objective and Return Manifestations The purpose of research is to increase knowledge (Clark-Carter, 3).The objective is to highlight and sele ct the most effective criteria for evaluating universities. For this purpose, two criteria have been selected for evaluating universities. Using two criteria will facilitate the appropriate evaluation of universities and it would help us to highlight the improve education selection and return as well. The improvement of education is only achieved when it provides better returns i.e. the student becomes a well-competent official figure and serves any organization with unique and competent skills and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Critique English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critique English - Essay Example In the extreme, the males are more inclined to take their own lives five times more during their teenage years to their early twenties compared to the females. Speaking of living a privileged life, their lives does not seem to be privileged considering that the males are more likely to be abused physically by their parents, drops out of school and face unemployment. In their adult life, males are also more likely to be homeless, and to become dependent to alcohol and drugs. The females may be complaining about assault and violence but males are in fact twice as much more susceptible to it than females. When they work, their chance to get killed due to work related accident is nine times more than the female and they die six years earlier on the average. Worst, nobody seems to care. Their issues are often their own while the female can go blame society for their failures. For the female part, we already heard their predicament all too well yet their plights were as true as they were f irst raised eons ago. Yes, gender discrimination still exists and sexism is still prevalent despite the campaign against it. Stevie Cameron best demonstrated it by using our daughter as the character that would best personify our anxieties and hopes about the females. There, it was illustrated how unfair and discriminating the male dominated society is. Beginning at school where girls’ facilities are not given that much importance compared to boys such as the relegation of gymnastics to football. When they grew up, their moves are restricted both literally and figuratively. They cannot just walk to places wherever they want and during their adult life, their movements in their respective careers are also restricted by the glass ceiling. They are also subjected to sexist snide aspersions not only with remarks but also on downplaying issues that matter to them. These issues and concerns, I believe are more important than the predicament of the males. It is because the femalesâ €™ issues are rooted in discrimination which society relegates them as secondary citizen just because of their gender. This discrimination is a very serious issue and has overarching consequences to every aspect of their lives not just the simple â€Å"they are girls and we are boys’ issues†. This discrimination pervades in every sphere of our society that women has to contend just because of their female gender. Compared to the males where the issue they have to contend are the stress brought upon by the competitive patriarchal society and being such, are more tolerable than discrimination because competiveness is self-imposed. Their fall out, such as their higher probability in facing economic dislocation (unemployment, homelessness, etch) as well as the stereotyping of their intelligence are a result of their laxity towards education that dumb down their intellectual acumen. Whereas with the females, they are being restricted no matter how hard they try just bec ause of their gender. Worst, they inadvertently became victim of assault, sexual or otherwise, where a troubled man in Montreal took it to the extreme when he separated the women from the men and slaughtered them because he believed that women are the cause of his troubles. Men do not get these issues out of their gender. Many men have been victimized by assault also but it is not related to gender. For example, their increased probability to be attacked is a consequence of their reckless mobility. If you walk alone in unlit park or alley in a very

Monday, September 23, 2019

Compare and contrast Pascal, Voltaire, Hume, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche Essay

Compare and contrast Pascal, Voltaire, Hume, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche - Essay Example He stipulated in his popular ‘Pascal’s Wager. He said the people would lose very little for believing that God exists regardless of whether he exists or not. On the other hand, he stipulated that people would gain a lot for believing that God exists. In this case, he concluded that it is appropriate for people to believe that God exists and behave in an appropriate manner. Pascal said that he would rather be frightened of being mistaken about the existence of God. Therefore, Pascal’s Wager is regarded as a rationality of belief in God. His views are directed to those people who waver as opposed to those people who do not believe in the existence of God (Asiado). Voltaire’s life is described as a paradox. In this case, he despised humanity yet he was fond of men. Moreover, he did not believe in God but in real sense he dedicated his life to find him. He stipulated that no religious text or revelation is needed to allow people to believe in God. He believed in the universal laws which are focused in the moral world which are observed in all religious systems. In this case, people are required to have respect for nature and the contemporary world. Voltaire believed that there exists a supreme, eternal and intelligent being. He believed in reason and not faith (Graves). Hume is regarded as an empiricist. He believes that belief would be regarded as rational if there is sufficient evidence to support it. In this case, he questions whether there is enough evidence in the world which would convince people to believe in the wise, powerful, good and a wise God. For example, Hume was very critical of the Catholic Church. He described its activities as ones that are guided by idolatry and superstition. He also stipulated that they practiced uncivilized beliefs. Moreover, he regarded Protestants as corruptors of belief (Quinton, p, 3). Therefore, in this perspective, it is true that Hume was skeptical about religion. Kierkegaard was a religious poet. In this

Sunday, September 22, 2019

History of dance Essay Example for Free

History of dance Essay How could you leave your country? The place you grew up in, how could you leave your loved ones in a place so bad you had to flee it yourself? The production of ‘Look the other way’ choreographed by Cadi McCarthy is clearly emotionally attached to the performers. Look the other way describes how people had to leave their home and become refugees, their fear and hatred needing the encouragement to move forward. The mixture of contemporary and hip hop really drives you into the performance and makes dancers, public and even you feel like a part of the attraction. The choreographer clearly displays the variety of talent and emotive skills that all of the dancers consist of. The different interrogations of each dancer themselves are astonishing, having a wide range from the strength and intensity movements by Peter Fares to the smooth, soft and meaningful movements danced by Yillin Kong. The artistic use of props and lighting gives the texture of the movements on the performers and their facial expressions gave an overwhelming feeling inside; it’s a wakeup call to seeing how lucky we are as a country. This was a very effective way to get the audience’s attention. Having to look the other way when all you feel is hopelessness is a very difficult thing to do. The characters make you feel as if they are portraying their country, getting away from the outrageousness and the terror. Sharing their side of the horrific stories. All distributing the same emotions betrayal and being forced to look the other way. The choreographer immersed herself into the stories of the young people who had overcome the sacrifice of fleeing their country to have freedom in Australia. Cadi McCarthy clearly and successfully got her intent to the target audience (young students) expressing the dreadful descriptions by educating us through contemporary and hip hop dance. There are seven characters (not including the two boys who are still learning English) in the performance, each with different difficulties and reports to share with the world. They all show tolerance and ignorance to not give up and not give in. The movements and space used in this choreography by Cadi McCarthy entitles the effects and emotions she wants the audience to feel. Each performer had their own special techniques which was used to their advantage. Movements such as slowly walking, shaking, and closed shapes, sharp turns, counter balancing and falling, these are indications of being pushed around. The fast, muscular movements were intimidating and in each other’s personal space. The most significant peace was the Riot (Fight scene) which was done in a group, but danced in duets. Showing the mob mentality, strength and power, giving the truthful facts that no matter how many times you’re pushed down, you shall thrive to get back up again, keep moving forward. The costumes seemed rushed and not restricted which gave them freedom to move the clothing looking very unfavourable. Using very natural colours such as black, skin colour, white, and a flowered dress worn by Yillin showing the audience that they were in a rush, all they had was the clothing on their backs. The lighting effects by Andrew Portwine was dim and organic to set the mood, the angles of the light reflected off the dancers faces to give texture, dark gloomy looks. The overall costumes and lighting was more than successful and gave the illusion to hardship for the audience. Tristen Parr and Matt Cornell did exceptional work on the soundtrack. The music had been made from scratch so it was an original peace. In the performance the music was recorded and instrumental throughout. You could feel the classical vibrations as if atmospherical, representing the extreme adversity and struggles (Production2; Sacrifice, where videos are used to tell us about true stories). There were sections of the performance where the sound was live, like the word monologues where each dancer talks about accountings explaining what it was like to be a refugee (Peter Fares holding Yillin Kong on his shoulder while telling the story of his parents from Israel, Lebanon, and Syria to Australia). The most memorable and major feature of the props used was the ‘Opening boards’ (Designed by Laura Boynes and Tristan Parr) where the characters drag themselves across the stage and stand up onto a rocking board, representing the uncertainty to travel, external and internal fear of leaving their loved ones, the experience’s to come. Using the boards as a boat and steps revealing their long journey to find freedom, using the rocking motion traveling the entire emotional ride with the characters. The boards drew the audience’s attention straight away to the restlessness and fear. The backdrop of four walls that were recycled substances designed by Monique Wajon (makeshift of materials found in refugee camps). These props communicated to the audience giving meaning and belief to the dance. The Buzz Dance Theatre has accomplished in reproducing all viewpoints of refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers. Every possible aspect of contemporary and hip hop dance was put into this performance to accomplish the priorities and achievements of triumphing to the top. Each dancer attributes to the story in individual ways choreographed by Cadi McCarthy. I personally found that every phase used for this special performance including characters, music, costumes, choreography, set and props all worked exceptionally well together to produce a stimulating and significant enactment. Although a little dark I was defiantly motivated at the end of the performance.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Relationship Between Organization And Information System Information Technology Essay

Relationship Between Organization And Information System Information Technology Essay An information system provides procedures to record make available information, concerning part of the organization, to assist organization related activities. Information systems are more then the computers. Effective usage of information system requires a thorough understanding of the organization, its management and the information technology it implies. Information system is defined as the combination of hardware, software, infrastructure and trained personnel organized to facilitate planning, control, coordination, and decision making.(Web-2). Three activities; Input, Processing, and Output in the information system produce the information that are needed to make decision making, Analyzing the problems, controlling operation, and in launching new products. Input collects the raw data, which is manifested into meaning form by the Processor and Output transfers the processed data to the relevant person. Super market check-out is one of the most common examples of uses of information system used by the retail industry. It holds loads of valued information. It keeps millions of data, such as product cost and the details, product identification number and number of product sold out. On the basis of the information collected, companies analyze the total number of the items sold out, items left in the stock, items that sell most, the stuff that need to ordered, and the most analyze its sales. Information system is divided into operational, knowledge, management and strategic level and into five major functional areas; production and manufacturing, Finance, Accounting, sales marketing and Human resources. (Laudon and Laudon, 2003) A strategic level system helps senior management in tackling and addressing strategic issues in order to support the long range planning. Management level systems supports in monitoring, controlling, decision making, and administrative activities for middle managers. Knowledge and data workers are supported by the knowledge level system. Its importance is felt, when new ideas (knowledge) are to be injected into the organization. And basic activities and transactions of the organization (such as cash deposit, sales, receipts, payroll etc) are done by the operational managers, which is supported by the Operational level system. It is clear from the above classifications, that the information system is vital for every level of the organization. Sin ce, every level within the organization is interdependent. Any mistake, delays in information passage in any of the level, is enough for downfall of the organization. Similarly, in many ways, the information system supports the main business functions. For example, sales and marketing information system helps the firm to explore markets for its products or services, develop products and services that meet customers need and promote and sell those products and services. The manufacturing and production information system is responsible for planning, development and production of goods and services and control the production flow. Likewise, finance and accounting information system helps to set up long-term investment goals and provide long-range forecasts of financial performance of the firm. It also helps the managers to manage and control the firms financial resources. Moreover, human resources information system plays a vital role for managing the people effectively. It keeps and maintains employee records which makes easy to analyze and evaluate job performance, conduct recruitment and selection, training and development and retention as well. Managers and the Organization cannot ignore information system due to its critical nature. The influence and the importance of information system are evident in decision making, planning, and management of its employee and in management of the products. One of the most important roles of a manager is to make effective decisions which is very challenging job of the manager. The managers often depend on information system to make decisions because it helps to communicate and distribute information. Interdependence between the business strategy and the information system is becoming more and more complicated. Any change in any of the components has overall effect on the organization. Future prospect of any organization wholly depends on the information system it relies on. The following figure shows the relationship between organization and the Information system. When rules, procedures and strategy of the organization have to be changed, it is also important to change hardware, software, database and, telecommunication. One of the reasons behind the vast importance of the information system in any organization and its effect on so many people is because of the high power and falling cost of the computer technologies. Interdependence Organization Information System Business Strategy Rules procedure Software Telecomm-unication Database Hardware Figure1. Relationship between organization and information system A theory based on both economic and behavioral approaches has made us easier to know the affect of information system on organization. According to Economic Theory, Information technology helps firm contract in size, because it helps to reduce the transaction cost. According to (Williamson, 1985; Coase, 1937), using market place is expensive because of the problem of communicating with distant suppliers, buying insurance, obtaining product, and so on. According to Transaction cost theory, firms and organization try to lower the cost of transaction as much as they do on production costs. It also reduces Management costs. Similarly, according to Agency theory, firms are viewed as the nexus of contracts among self interested individuals who most be supervised and managed. (Laudon and Laudon, 2003, p80). Information system is a multidisciplinary field having different perspectives on information systems. In order to make the information system work properly, a lot of social, organizational and intellectual investments are required. It is divided into two different approaches, i.e, technical approach and behavioral approach. Technical approach includes computer science, management science and operations research where computer science purely deals with the computer system such as computation methods and efficient data storage and access method. The management science is responsible for developing models for decision-making and management practices. Similarly, operations research emphasizes mathematical techniques that help organization to optimize selected parameters such as transportation, cost of transaction and inventory control. So, technical approach is concerned with mathematically based models, physical technology and the capabilities of these systems. Behavioral approach focuses on the changes including management and organizational policy, attitudes and behavior. Although it does not normally focus on technical solutions, it does not ignore technology. The models used in this approach help to explore different issues which can not be explored through technical approach. Important concepts and methods are generated from other behavioral disciplines. For example, sociologists study information system in order to get knowledge about how development of system is shaped by groups and organizations. Similarly, the psychologists study information system so that they can know how human decision makers understand and use formal information. On the other hand, the economists study information system to know what impact has been created by system on cost structure of the firm and the markets as well. The ideas from the sociological, psychological and political point of view are useful in determining the behavior of individual firms, which i s stated by the behavioral approach. It is clear now that the introduction of information system in organization is to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. Automated activities helps in the reduction of the cost incurred, brings more accuracy then the human minds, and the most is the Speed. It saves time and reduces unnecessary costs. Organizations like British gas, British Petroleum, Banks and many more calculates lots of customer bills and other activities, which is only possible through the use of information system. It can be said with guarantee that many large companies would not survive more than 24 hrs without information system. On the contrary, its dark side on the cost at initial installment, the changes that comes along with it, and reluctance of the employee to go with it, and the cost of unproductive information would cause a severe problem to the organization.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Analyze Role Of Mentor Developing And Delivering Teaching Nursing Essay

Analyze Role Of Mentor Developing And Delivering Teaching Nursing Essay The role of the mentor in nursing is a crucial one and should not be undertaken lightly, it is a privilege with much responsibility, as the mentor is accountable for their own and their mentorees performance. It is a privilege as a professional nurse mentor to be able to help a student realize their potential and rewarding to see them putting the theory they have learned into practice and helping them get the most out of their placement. The role of the mentor cannot be over-emphasized; learning experience in the clinical setting ensures that the nurses and midwives of the future are fit to practice (RCN, 2007) and in this way the role is central to patient safety. Most registered nurses in the NHS will be expected to assume the role of mentor and with 50% of pre-registration nursing programs embedded in practice (RCN, 2007), with resources becoming less and less and the NHS becoming busier and busier, practice learning and mentoring play an increasingly important role. Mentorees nee d to be able to rely on the consistency, competency and superior knowledge and professionalism of the mentor to guide their learning, assess their competence and thus effectively act as gate keepers to the profession (Duffy, 2004) and as such is an extremely important role. The following essay will draw upon types of leadership to enhance the skills of the mentor and improve the relationship between the mentor and mentoree. The first question that needs addressing, is what is a mentor?. There exists many definitions, and the term mentoring has been used interchangeably with, preceptor, coach, supervisor and teacher (Morton-Cooper Palmer, 2000). Price (2004) defined it as an experienced professional friend, charged with the teaching, guidance and assessment of a learner in practice. The NMC considered it as, a mandatory requirement for pre-registration nursing and midwifery students (NMC, 2006a). Some have defined mentoring as essentially an evidence-based intervention that inspires confidence and innovation, and encourages continuous professional development, (Jakubic, 2004). In addition mentoring can be both informal and formal; informal mentoring is often used as an adjunct to the more formal process of supervision and is based on a agreed plan of action to help the mentor achieve realistic goals or address specific problem areas. Whereas formal mentoring involves a structured and time managed proces s with clearly set objectives to be realised in a timely manner (Tourigny Pilich, 2005). The role of the mentor primarily is to enable the student to understand the theory and its application in in the clinical context; the mentoree must learn to put theory and knowledge and be able to apply what they have learned to clinical practice. This process involves among others, assessing, evaluating and providing constructive feedback. It also involves assisting the mentoree in developing the ability to constructively reflect upon their practice and experiences and importantly be able to learn from this reflection (Schon, 1983). It is important to note that in order to facilitate reflection the mentor themselves must be able to self-reflect. The mentor must also have adequate knowledge and skills in order to integrate theory and practice effectively, (Eraut, 2004). The RCN (2007) in their toolkit for mentors draw attention to the obvious but crucial need for the mentors to be fit for effe ctive practice themselves and to have the depth and breadth of learning to be awarded a diploma or degree (RCN, 2007). The RCN also states that, a mentor is a role model and as such should be aware of their own practice and how it impacts the mentorees; the imitation of bad habits is not desirable. The mentor should be able to encourage, motivate and help the mentoree to improve skills and practice thereby increasing their confidence. It is also important that the mentor has the confidence in their own practice and knowledge in order for them to instill confidence in the mentorees. Mentors also need to have the experience and knowledge to identify learning points in practice, for example where something could have been done in a more productive manner or where an important mistake has been made; which is partly the reason for mentors being required to have at least one year experience post-registration. This can only really be achieved if the mentor has the interpersonal and communi cation skills required to build a professional relationship in which honest, objective and constructive feedback is received and given. It is also crucial for effective practice learning, that mentorees need time and attention from their mentors (the RCN, 2007, state that 40% of the time should be spent with the mentoree).Turner (2001) describes the pressures on clinical staff and the impact of high patient turnover resulting in little time to devote to the supervision of students; an issue that is exacerbated by the increasing demands on the available practice placements (Bennett 2003). This however is not set in stone as different people have different rates and styles of learning; what works for one does not necessarily work for all. The competent mentor should be able to discern the appropriate approach for each mentorees learning style and should not impose theire preferred way of learning and mentoring on the mentoree. Learning styles include; activists, those that are very active in their learning, reflectors, those that stand back and think over what they do and what others do, the theorists, they approach le arning from an almost empirical standpoint, they reject everything that does not have evidence and do not like subjectivity (Bayley, Chambers Donovan, 2004). The fourth style of learning (according to Honey Mumford, 2000) is that of the pragmatist; the pragmatist likes solving problems , likes to learn through trying new approaches and getting feedback, (Bayley, Chambers Donovan, 2004). Therefore if the mentoree has been identified as largely an activist then emphasis could be placed on learning through action, giving them new challenges often enough ensuring they do not get bored whilst making sure they learn and retain that learning, from each challenge and experience. It is down to the skills and competence of the mentor to detect the mentorees learning style and then tailor their learning plans, structures/ strategies to meet the needs of the mentoree. As well as interpersonal and professional leadership styles the mentor (and the mentoree) must both keep thorough records of the mentorees progress. Research has shown that innovation was taking place in practice based learning but it was not recognized because there was a lack of formal documentation (Aston et al, 2005). Effective and comprehensive records have to be completed so that the mentor can see how the mentoree is progressing and what they still need to work on. Similarly it is also important that the mentoree keeps thorough notes of what they should be doing, what they have found difficult and what they are still to do. A corollary to the need for thorough, comprehensive records is that of assessment which the mentor has to carry out; they must ensure that essential clinical skills are completed. To carry out a thorough assessment the mentor has to be sure what they want to measure and how measurement can be done, for example the mentor cannot asses most clinical skills by verbal communication alone, the mentoree must be observed in practice (perhaps asking patients if they thought their care was good). To be an effective mentor one must be able to evaluate which involves a number of skills, including observation, communication, confidence in ones own professional ability and knowledge. In the evaluation process the mentor must be able to identify problem areas partly by observing the mentorees practice and also by the mentorees self reports and assessment. It is also incumbent on the mentoree to identify failing students; this is crucial as patient safety could potentially be at risk if the mentor fails to spot a failing mentoree (RCN, 2007). There are a number of actions that a mentor can take to identify a struggling student; for example if a mentoree does not respond to constructive feedback and fails to incorporate improvements suggested by the mentor, if they are inconsistent in the clinical practice, high absence rate, or is unable to organize or plan their time adequately (Maloney et al., 1997). Duffy (2004), in her study of nurses in Scotland, found that all mentors highlighted the need for the topic of failing nurses to be addressed in mentorship programs. Duffy goes on and state that; the literature supports the view that mentors feel ill prepared for their role and given that mentors are ill prepared for their role in failing students it is recommended that mentorship programs address the issue of accountability (Duffy, 2004). The next section draws upon leadership styles to help the mentor. Any individual mentor will also have their own particular approach, Bayley et al (2004) list them as; authoritarian, as the name suggests, democratic, developmental, and task-orientated. The task-orientated approach, again as the name suggests, may be the most appropriate for a mentoree who has been identified largely as a pragmatist. The mentor should be able to understand and identify different learning styles and must adapt their own approach to mentoring to suit the needs of the mentoree. Moreover, the more contemporary styles from the leadership literature of transformative and transactional leadership styles can be applied to mentoring. The transformational leader (mentor) does not always lead from the front but tends to delegate responsibility amongst their team, they spend much of their time communicating and are highly visible and accessible (Bayley, Chambers Donovan, 2004). This leader tends to focus more on the needs of the members and their wants; they try to involve all members to work together. The transformational leader is quite similar to the democratic style as both leaders value fellow team members and focus on empowering nurses (Bayley, Chamber Donovan, 2004). Transformational leaders are inspirational and easily motivate those under their leadership (Aarons, 2006); they go above and beyond exchanges and rewards which are inherent in transactional leadership styles (see below). The transformational leadership style is said by some to be best suited to close supervisory relationships, compared with more distant relationships (Aarons, 2006) and this close relationship may be typical of a supervisor-supervisee relationship and is also captured in the notion of first-level leaders (Priestland, 2005). Mentors can be thought of as first level leaders as they are functionally close to the mentoree, in the organizational setting and because of that are vitally important, (Aarons, 2006). Mentors work closely with their mentoree, the RCN (2007) in t heir guidance for mentoring stipulates spending 40% of the time working and observing the mentoring. This leadership style would be good for the mentor mentoree relationship as the mentor is inspirational, positive and innovative; inspiring new, creative ideas and fosters an open honest learning relationship. This is a type of leadership that allows a person to step away from their comfort zone, promotes a high level of openness and innovation, is externally open in the hope of developing a high level of discovery and competence; they embrace deep change in order to obtain meaning, purpose and vision. The transformational leader (mentor) according to Aarons (2006) is a leader that works towards a goal in order for both members to benefit (Aarons, 2006). This style although appropriate for the needs of the mentor-mentored context perhaps could benefit from the some of the principles from the transactional leadership style outlined below. The transactional leadership is orientated towards satisfying subordinates self interest through suitable transactions in the work environment, (Aarons, 2006 ). There is a clear structure with this leadership style and Aarons (2006) comments on it as being a give and take technique. Rewards are given for work that is done, the work is set for the members and recognition is given when the task is completed; in this way it would be applicable to the mentor-mentored as mentoring should have a clear structure and achievement should be rewarded, however failure should not be punished but recognized and learned from . The transformational leader is similar to the autocratic style as there are clear set tasks within set time frames, the task is order to be done by the leader and the members will follow orders in assurance they will be rewarded. Aspects of the transactional leadership coupled with the innovative and open transformational style may be the most appropriate style; providing bot h motivation, inspiration and structure and security. The new nurse has just stepped from a secure environment of university and now has to be able to control what is happening within their new clinical setting. Whilst structure and security are important for the mentoree it is also important that they feel they are able to speak freely, honestly and openly to their mentor; for example the mentor should encourage the student to ask questions and speak openly and honestly about their views on the progress, and the mentor should give praise where it is due, as suggested in the RCN Toolkit (2007).The new or student, nurse need to feel secure within the ward; they are new to the role within the team and have a need to be perceived as confident in what they are doing. The mentor is also responsible for the professional socialization of a new nurse in the clinical setting (Bulman Schultz, 2008). The need to fit in must be balanced with the need to perform. Professional socialization is s een to be a process in which a person acquires a professional identity, and thereby is accepted by others in the profession (Bulman Schultz, 2008). Having support from their mentor is vitally important when making the transition from student to qualified nurse; their experiences can help to set aside any worries and issues that are felt by the new nurse. The mentoree is on a journey with a steep learning curve and it is the role of the mentor to help the them navigate the problems and challenges and help transform them into learning experiences, therefore the mentor should be able to identify learning opportunities which step from student to staff nurse is a journey that involves many problems and uncomfortable situations, though these problems are what help the student to learn and develop. The mentor is an integral part of the learning and orientating process of the new nurse, not only do they explicitly teach and inform but they also play a large part in the implicit learning process; for example positive role modeling and practice under supervision of the mentor helps the mentoree to develop the processes of integrating the knowledge with the conditions under which that knowledge applies and the culture in which that knowledge is used. A key skill required of students is that they learn to integrate into the culture and communiti es of practice (Eraut 2003). Mentoring, in an increasingly stretched national health service, is becoming more and more important; if done effectively it can instill confidence and competence it can also ensure that the mentored are comfortable with their identities and competencies leading to the retention of good nurses who contribute in the effort and emphasis of maintaining nursing excellence in practice (Godfrey, Nelson, Purdy, 2004).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Coors :: essays research papers

The Coors company got started when Adolph Coors and was 15 years old when he tool a ship to New York form Germany in 1868. With his savings and with the help of a partner, he started developing a brewery. Which took place in 1882. Then he bought his partner out and Adolph Coors started running on his own. As Adolph’s progress was going, people started to fight the sins of drinking and along came prohibition. Because of prohibition Adolph turned his brewery into making porcelain and selling malted milk instead of making beer. Adolph during the WWI he had to work really hard to get drinking legal again because of prohibition. His son Adolph Jr. Coors had help his father keep the business and to keep it running in the 1920’s. Adolph Jr.’s father died in June of 1929, the age of 82, as he was on vacation with his wife. While his wife was trying to get over influenza. They were unsure of his of his death; it could have been suicide. But after his death he left his ch ildren 2 million dollars and the brewery. 1933 prohibition was repealed. One of few breweries that actually lasted. During 1933 Adolph Coors Jr. took over the business after his father died. During the great depression Adolph the 3rd got ready to join the brewery business and also Joe and Bill joined too. There was a one-week strike from labor force. Many people thought that Coors discriminated against blacks, women, and homosexuals. Joe and his family plus his business was not publicly scared because of Joe Coors expressing his views and onions open. In the 1977 Coors business workers went on strike against lie detector tests, personal trust, and like searches discrimination everyone protested against Coors beer. It was almost 10 years before the boycotts against Coors ended.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Politics of the people Essay -- Analysis, South American Politics

Politics of the People touches on a multitude of topics discussed this term. The article brings to light the issues in South America. Specifically in the Amazon, surrounding big oil companies, the destruction of land and environment, and the destitution of the people of Ecuador and how the people and NGO's have taken action to fight it. In this territory of the Amazon according to Judith Kimerling, â€Å"the oil spills and contamination of this region of Ecuador equal or supersedes those of the 1989 Alaskan Exxon Valdez oil spill.†(81). What this means is that this area has been polluted greatly and since 1993 the inhabitants of this territory have been fighting big oil. The land is unusable with that level of pollution. This land has been taken over by OCP's which are large pipelines running through the land to transport oil, this is a fantastic example of the industrialization of a 3rd world country. An NGO by the name of Accion Ecologica was one of the groups that early on spoke out in recognition of the devastation happening to the land. The devastation of the land in Ecuador reminds me of a film about fracking I saw and how the people who lived on the land were the first to notice the problems with big companies taking over the natural resources. In the article they spoke of â€Å"large flames that soar through the sky, creating an immense heat and loud, searing noises.†(82). This is just one example of the inconvenience of the developing oil company in the Territory. Additionally the people live on this land have been speaking out and noting they are having health problems and that it is spreading to the animals, one man's home was destroyed by an explosion of a pipeline behind his home (82). Due to these extreme concerns ... ...with. Lastly the companies that go to these lesser countries to mass produce whether it be oil or denim do so because the laws are less strict and they see a loop-hole around taxes and fees and environmental laws. In the Texaco/Chevron case â€Å"Chevron's attorney argues that the local communities should blame their government†(90). I think that the people are already blaming their government but the at the end of the day the oil companies are to blame too. The goal of this whole ordeal was to â€Å"raise awareness among its partners about the struggles of other around the globe† (92). I would deem their goal as successful, and as oil companies continue to make mistakes whether it be bypassing human rights and environmental rights knowingly or just have neglected equipment and back up plans in case of a spill like in the gulf coast, the people of the world are aware now. Politics of the people Essay -- Analysis, South American Politics Politics of the People touches on a multitude of topics discussed this term. The article brings to light the issues in South America. Specifically in the Amazon, surrounding big oil companies, the destruction of land and environment, and the destitution of the people of Ecuador and how the people and NGO's have taken action to fight it. In this territory of the Amazon according to Judith Kimerling, â€Å"the oil spills and contamination of this region of Ecuador equal or supersedes those of the 1989 Alaskan Exxon Valdez oil spill.†(81). What this means is that this area has been polluted greatly and since 1993 the inhabitants of this territory have been fighting big oil. The land is unusable with that level of pollution. This land has been taken over by OCP's which are large pipelines running through the land to transport oil, this is a fantastic example of the industrialization of a 3rd world country. An NGO by the name of Accion Ecologica was one of the groups that early on spoke out in recognition of the devastation happening to the land. The devastation of the land in Ecuador reminds me of a film about fracking I saw and how the people who lived on the land were the first to notice the problems with big companies taking over the natural resources. In the article they spoke of â€Å"large flames that soar through the sky, creating an immense heat and loud, searing noises.†(82). This is just one example of the inconvenience of the developing oil company in the Territory. Additionally the people live on this land have been speaking out and noting they are having health problems and that it is spreading to the animals, one man's home was destroyed by an explosion of a pipeline behind his home (82). Due to these extreme concerns ... ...with. Lastly the companies that go to these lesser countries to mass produce whether it be oil or denim do so because the laws are less strict and they see a loop-hole around taxes and fees and environmental laws. In the Texaco/Chevron case â€Å"Chevron's attorney argues that the local communities should blame their government†(90). I think that the people are already blaming their government but the at the end of the day the oil companies are to blame too. The goal of this whole ordeal was to â€Å"raise awareness among its partners about the struggles of other around the globe† (92). I would deem their goal as successful, and as oil companies continue to make mistakes whether it be bypassing human rights and environmental rights knowingly or just have neglected equipment and back up plans in case of a spill like in the gulf coast, the people of the world are aware now.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cooking with Your Children Essay

How many parents take the time to cook with their children? How many of you were taught to cook by your parents or someone else in your family? I actually started cooking with my mother when I was 6 years old rolling out bread dough to make crescent rolls (homemade, of course). Due to my childhood experience, I now cook with my children at least twice a week. Since I am normally only home on the weekends to see my children, I use this time for bonding; as well as for teaching them skills that they will need in order to survive in today’s world, better known as life skills. Cooking with your children is great way to strengthen family bonds, while enforcing math and life skills. First, cooking with your children can create strong family bonds. This provides the opportunity for spending quality time with your children. While preparing meals, daily discussions regarding current topics in and about their lives are abound (â€Å"How was your day†, â€Å"What did you do in class†, â€Å"Have you spoken to your grandmother†). These discussions during meal preparation can lead to enjoyable moments that children tend to remember as they grow older. They then share these experiences and moments with their children [ (Eisenhower) ]. In the words of my favorite T. V. Cook, Alton Brown of â€Å"Good Eats†, â€Å"Cooking with children is just plain fun†. How can you not have fun in the kitchen while cooking with your children? Yes, it can be messy; yes, it can be time consuming; but that is what makes it a fun learning environment. Make mistakes, get messy, have fun. Secondly, cooking with your children will teach them a necessary life skill, a required skill that they will need in order to survive on their own. Cooking not only teaches food preparation, but also educates them on making healthy food choices [ (Eisenhower; Ryan) ]. By allowing them to cook for themselves, they are not dependent on fast food or constant dining out. It also teaches the principles of time management. For example, if for dinner we are having a roast that requires four hours of cooking then they need to consider that the additional sides or â€Å"fixings† should be prepared in a sequence that would allow them all to be ready at the same time as the roast. These basic life skills of cooking and time management are important for your child and are necessary for them to survive. Third, cooking with your children helps to reinforce their math skills. Having your child count the beans or carrot sticks gives them a reason to count. It makes counting fun & purposeful or â€Å"Purposeful Counting† [ (Marinelli) ]. Employing your children in the kitchen can be fun and will reinforce their measuring skills. Using the volume method of measuring, such as one-quarter cup of flour or two cups of sugar, helps children to visualize the actual measurement. In my household, we also use ruler measurements when baking. When making cinnamon rolls we measure the length and width of the rolled dough for proper sizing. In the case of the cinnamon roll dough, we are looking for a perfect rectangle. In other baking situations, we will use other geometric shapes including circles, triangles, squares, cones. Cooking also teaches and reinforces their skills at telling time, which will assist with proper time management. Such as with the aforementioned roast, if you put it in the oven at 4 P. M. and it takes one and half-hours to cook, you can ask, at what time does the roast have to be taken out of the oven? Having your children count, measure and tell time can reinforces those skills with â€Å"Purposeful Counting†. These activities conducted in a fun atmosphere and used in â€Å"real world† situations reinforce the basic life skills that are important. In conclusion, Cooking with your children can create a naturally fun environment for family bonding. It gives them some of the skills, cooking and time management, they will need to survive. As well, cooking reinforces their math skills by letting them use what they have learned in a â€Å"real world† situation. Taking the time to cook with your children will create stronger family bonds, teach them basic life skills that they will need as they grow older and reinforces many math skills that they will not only be able to utilize at home but in school too. Works Cited Brown, Alton. â€Å"Apple Family Values† Foodnetwork. com, Food Network Season 2 Episode EA1B03 Video. Eisenhower, Julie. â€Å"Cooking With Children. † The Saturday Evening Post , Curtis Publishing August 1975, 94-110 Print. Marinelli, Noel. â€Å"Count & Cook. † Scholastic Parent & Child, Scholastic Publishing March 2006, 73 Print. Ryan, Kelley & Andrea. â€Å"Cooking With Kids. Nebraska Kitchens, Nebraska Life Publishing June 20088, 37-39 Print.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Reflection of Educational Philosophy

More than ever, teachers have myriad of decisions to make in their classrooms. Naturally, they have to determine curricula, how to rate the students on their work and the specific grades to give to each pupil. However, a teacher's responsibility goes far beyond this. They must decide what other skills would be helpful, or even essential, to live in this fast-paced global environment. Beyond the academics, students need education in intercommunication, diversity and multiculturalism, time management, critical thinking, creativity and expression, and multi-tasking. Many students also need self-esteem building, stress reduction methods, psychological support and just a caring, nonjudgmental hand of support. According to the class readings, educational philosophy reflects the personal values/principles that guide teachers in making choices in their classroom. To determine these choices, they should take into consideration the nature of reality (metaphysics); the study of knowledge that has been disclosed to man by God (revealed); knowledge that is confirmed trough the senses (empirical); knowledge that is accepted as true because it comes form noted experts in their respective fields (authoritative); knowledge that comes from within (intuitive); the study of objective or subjective values; permanent and unchanging values (absoluteness of values) as well the hierarchy of values. My hope is that I will have a broad educational philosophy based on my personal and religious values that guides me in the long run, but, at the same time, the ability to see each child as an individual who has his/her unique needs. Each student exists in a different reality of circumstances, is surrounded by and reacts to different sensual stimulation, learns accepted knowledge at a varied pace and aptitude, and has a special mindset and internal belief system. A teacher should not compare students based on their talents or abilities-each child is special in his/her own way. The pupil's strengths should be encouraged and their challenges improved. I believe that the students of today must learn their academics. That goes without saying. However, above all else it is essential to instill within them respect for others and themselves, the ability to manage change, and the patience to accept temporary setbacks. As they get older, their life decisions will become increasingly difficult. With a strong foundation of self-worth and the ability to respect the differences and needs of others, it is hoped that they can make the decisions that are best for them and their world at large.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Mktg 205 Principles of Marketing

Kirk Bausman American Intercontinental University Unit 3 Individual Project MKTG 205 – September 11, 2011 Abstract I n this paper I will give an overview of distribution channels. Channel Levels: Direct versus Indirect Distribution. Channel Organizations: Conventional, Vertical, Horizontal and Multichannel Marketing Systems. I will analyze my target market's needs. Explain what I know about my target market and what they want from a channel of distribution. Introduction This is an Overview of Distribution Channels, and our target market’s needs in distribution channels. Overview of Distribution Channels Direct channels to market are typically your sales force. Direct channels to market include any route to market that you control and finance directly. The direct channel is typically more capital intensive to establish and you typically achieve a far greater level of control over this channel than you do the indirect channel. In indirect distribution an intermediary is involved between the manufacturer and the buyer. That intermediary is responsible solely for the distribution of goods on the behalf of the company. Analyze Target Market’s Needs in Distribution Channels Our target market will need a security service that will fulfill their requirements that fit their needs. The market will be high profile property or persons. They will need the direct channel. By using the direct approach the clients will get catalogs, websites, talk directly to sales personal. When it comes to security you will want to see firsthand what kind of service you are getting. And with this kind of service and the clientele, a simple T. V. ad will not do. Determine Channel Members with Explanation The channel member that we will use will be direct: catalog, telephone, sales force, etc. n the world of security you do not want everyone to know how you do business. You only want those you service know how and when things get done. If everyone knew then there would be no point to have security. We will have a sales force go out and talk to clients, show them catalog, and follow up with phone calls. Discuss How Many Channel Members with Explanation We will be using only one ch annel member. The member we will use is selective distribution. The reason for this is so that I can chose who to let have my service. We do not want to provide security for a company that maybe doing illegal activities. Channel Organization We will use a vertical marketing system; this provides a way to resolve the channel conflict that can occur in a conventional distribution channel where channel members are separate businesses seeking to maximize their own profits—even at the expense sometimes of the system as a whole. Conclusion As a whole it is up to use all as a company to push the service we provide. References Triple Canopy Secure Success www. triplecanopy. com/ Blackwater security www. blackwater. com www. ustraining. com/new/contact. asp Marketing: Kerin, Hartley, Rudelius

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Evaluation of TOEFL test

The test is used in college admissions for non-native English speaking students to an English- peaking country purposes. Although it provides scores of test takers so that college administrators can know their English proficiency directly, the test is not aim at ranking. The test divides criteria into four parts: reading, listening, speaking and writing. According to process, reading comprehension is the first part should be measured. This part tests test takers' ability to comprehend academic reading materials.In this section, the format of questions Is multiple choices and content of test questions Involves In various ways such as testing vocabulary, details, and mall Ideas. To avoid creating an advantage to examinees In any one field of study, sufficient context Is provided so that no specific subject can be used to answer the questions. It is a big advantage of the test. Moreover, other advantage is like that, due to diversified questions, it helps learners to know how to get inf ormation effectively in a limited time.It also encourages test takers to read more academic materials involving in different area and critically think how to read deferent academic articles when they are learning. However, the questions of reading test mostly adopt multiple choice rather than short answer. It may limit takers to think more about their own opinion. For example, when testing about vocabulary, the question Just gives four choices and asks examinees to choose the best one. Actually, there are also have a lot of words can be selected.The goal of the question Is to assess test takers about their understanding of this word. Therefore, I think If questions may ask examinees to write down their own words based on their comprehension that Is better. In the listening section, it involves in dialogues and academic talks. The purpose of this section is to test listening comprehension in academic environment. In other words, it measures test takers' ability of listening for basic comprehension, listening for pragmatic understanding and to connect and combine ideas presented in multiple information sources.Like reading section, the formats of questions also adopt various ways. Moreover, examinees' note taking can be practiced and improved from the listening test. Dialogues and lectures talking will last more than one minute. To most of them, they cannot memorize the whole content without noting. Therefore, how to write down key information in a limited time can be a skill for test takers who will study In an academic atmosphere. Furthermore, diverse formats provide a good opportunity for them to realize how to master essential Information with thinking different ways.The speed of listening Is normal speed and sometimes, the listening test involves in different voices of pronunciation to make test takers know and listening test as we discussed above. I think the way that listening test needs to improve is similar to reading test. It also means that using open questions replace multiple choices can be thought. Next part is speaking test. This section will test ability to communicate effectively in a variety of situations.The ability of synthesizing and summarizing what test takers have read in their textbooks and heard in and outside of the class, the skill of forming their own opinions in response to the information they have processed, well-developed, coherent and clear idea with effective use of grammar, and good pronunciation and intonation these are main goals to assess speaking ability. The strength of this part is to combine reading with speaking and to provide opinion-based questions. Moreover, the degree of each question be tested is gradually harder.The topic for examinees may also from familiar to a little hard to understand. In my opinion, the speaking test can be a bad section as well as a good one in TOEFL. The good way is that it not Just evaluates speaking ability in academic way but also involves in common environment. I t not just has output but input first such as reading, and then speaking. Nevertheless, due to the test is based on Internet, that is, speaking section also needs to be tested in the computer, and it brings a problem.Compared with talking to examiners, it is not flexible. It has no communication between examinees and examiners. For my perspective, test takers also may feel anxiety because there has no response when hey speak and feel nervous or without good preparation to speak due to time limited. The last component in TOEFL is the writing section. It measures ability to write in standard academic English. It divides into two parts: integrated writing task and independent writing task.The goal of the first part integrated writing task asks examiners to demonstrate that they have understood material coming from different sources (reading and listening) and to combine the information from those sources in a coherent, well organized, summarized written form to draw conclusions of the important points. The independent writing task aims to measure the students' ability to state their opinions or express their comments on topics which are based on their personal knowledge and experience. In general, if test takers want to get a higher score, they should know steps of essay and practice more in academic ways.The good thing of this TOEFL writing test is using academic materials to integrate reading and listening to write a summary. Although topic of independent writing task is not necessary referring to academic issues, the writing steps should follow in academic steps. Moreover, owing to computer-based writing, the score is not influenced by handwriting. Nevertheless, it may also be a problem due to time limit especially for some people who are not good at typing or have not well speediness. It is a little hard to deal with except encouraging these persons to practice more about their typing.To sum up, I think TOEFL test is a good test though it brings some challeng e to me. There have a lot of benefits of this test. Firstly, it ensures that test- takers are being measured objectively on the same material. The grading is standardized based on rubrics provided by TEST, so test scores are the same no matter whom or what is scoring them. Secondly, there is no age, no gender and no nationality limit for taking the test. Anyone who wants to assess their English language performance especially for people who need to study aboard in English feedback.When persons received their result, score will definitely appear in their paper and evaluation of each section will be provided so that examinees are able to know the strength and weakness of themselves in general ways. Finally, the speaking and writing parts integrate some input tasks such as reading and listening to test rather than be measured separately. The integrated tasks may be considered more Hellenizing in the test will help learners build the confidence needed to communicate in the academic envi ronments they plan to enter because students need to be able to combine their language skills in the classroom.Appropriate challenge will improve learners to more think about their weakness of language learning and hence to find effective ways they can develop. However, there still have some limitations in the test. In the first place, although test takers can be offered some feedbacks from the organization, the feedbacks of scores Just simplify the degree of their performance. They cannot get more individual feedback about the strength and weakness they have according to the test. Likewise, each level still has its deviation.Even though examinees can get same level of sections for each test, they may confuse about the score why last time they can get a high score whereas this time is a low score. In the second place, I feel the time arrangement also has its problem. In general, the test will last three hours at least but Just ten minutes for break from morning to afternoon. For man y test takers, the time may make them feel exhausted and influence their performance more or less. In the third place, the procedure of the test may also have its weakness.In order to avoid cheating in the test, examiners require learners to answer extra section such as reading or listening based on different individuals randomly. Hence, it will result in the time of speaking section beginning different. It is unfair to the individuals who are doing speaking earlier while others who are still doing reading or listening part can have a chance to listen others' speaking and have more time to prepare during the break. The final point I want to mention is that there have a lot of test preparation for each section test.Learners will make more focus on searching or studying methods in order to get a higher score rather than improve their language ability. As we discussed above the limitation, not all can get right solution. But I think we still are able to find some ways to improve. First ly, the examiners can provide rubrics of each specific score for test takers instead of the level of performance. That is, I think they need to list more details of each point and make learners more better understanding about why they can get this point and why they cannot get. The feedback should mainly reflect individual's strength and weakness instead of general errors.The general problem also can be placed in the reflection but not in the domain way. Secondly, when talking about dealing with the procedure, I think administers may provide another place for test takers about test speaking. In other words, when finishing their reading and listening part, examiners need to go the place which dedicated to speaking test after having a rest. Finally, due to various test preparation, in my opinion, I believe that form of diversification can be a good way to assess. For example, applying more open questions instead of multiple choices may be helpful for improving learners high order thin king.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Cost and benefit of the London Olympic 2012 Dissertation

Cost and benefit of the London Olympic 2012 - Dissertation Example Additionally, even the Russian government encountered deficits of approximately 9 billion US dollars after organizing the 1980 Olympic Games. Nevertheless from the subsequent Olympic Games that were hosted by Los Angeles in the year 1984, the Olympic Games were commercialised as an event. As a result, Los Angeles earned direct revenues worth 200 million US dollars and indirect revenue of 3 billion US dollars from the 1984 Olympics. With the passage of time and the rapid commercialisation of the Olympic Games, more and more cities have become interested in hosting the event as it produces big fortune for the city and impel the economic growth of the country. In the year 1992, Barcelona hosted the Olympic Games, and earned direct revenues greater than 9.5 billion US dollars in addition to indirect revenues worth 16.4 billion US dollars (Brunet, 1995). This magnitude of profitability and the enduring legacy economic affect on the city owing to the organization Olympic Games, catch the f ancy of a number of big corporate houses who endeavour for the sponsorships. It is evident the financial as well as economic impact of hosting the Olympic Games is anticipated to be extensive, predominantly at the local level and to a smaller degree at the country level. The total financial consequence of the Olympic Games on the city or the nation hosting the Game is generally spread over the years. Hence, the study of economic impacts of the Olympic Games on the host city has been a popular topic of investigation for researchers. The 2012 Olympics is being held in London. It has the potential of generating huge amount of revenues as well as exhibit London on the global platform this year. The Olympic Games is expected to motivate a... The second chapter, that is, Literature Review, would focus on the review and discussion of the findings of prior studies on the benefits, particularly financial and economic, of Olympic Games. This chapter would hence discuss the researches that have been carried out by other researchers in the topic under discussion. For the better understanding of the expected financial benefits of 2012 Olympic Games on the United Kingdom, this segment of the research study would focus on the preceding Olympic Games that were held in Being, Sydney, Atlanta, Barcelona and Athens among others. In this context, the financial and economic benefits that these host nations had enjoyed would be conferred with the help of cost benefit analysis. The thorough study of the impacts of the past Olympic Games on the host nations would endow us with an apparent outlook of the expected financial benefit that the United Kingdom could potentially gain this time.   The Literature Review would also accentuate on th e anticipated financial scenario in the UK, subsequent to the 2012 Olympic Games in London.Chapter Three: Research MethodologyThis chapter would consist of a discussion on the selection of the appropriate methods and approaches for the execution of the research study.   For a better identification of the appropriate research method for this study, this chapter would initially present a comprehensive discussion of all the research methods along with their advantages and suitability. The chapter would also discuss the strategy.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Practice of Sustainability in the Big Cities of Europe Research Paper

The Practice of Sustainability in the Big Cities of Europe - Research Paper Example The idea of sustainable transport means that transport ought to be environmentally friendly. The transport system must have a minimal negative impact on the environment. This is with the aim of preserving the ecological system and further to promote good health within the country. The idea of having a well sustainable transport system is to protect the ecosystem and also to have a positive contribution to the ecological system (Beatley 9). There are a variety of means of transport in European countries like the air, road, rail, water, and intermodal among others. The transport system is in a variety of sectors like the passenger's freight. The transport means are found in the urban areas, the regional, rural and also in long-distance destinations (Beatley 32). The multimodal form of the transport system is essential because it helps in the strengthening of the country’s local economy and also in decreasing the ecological impacts. The chief aim of the multimodal transportation system is to enable movement of citizens from one destination to the other instead of moving the automobile from one point to the other. This is possible through designing multiple transport system, automobiles, public lanes, sidewalks, and bicycle lanes. Furthermore, the public means of transport like commuter rail, bus, high-speed rails, and streetcars will be used to serve the needs of the people around the city and regions around (Beatley 47). The development of multimodal transport has enabled European countries to develop in the economic sector.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Marketing Mix for U.S.A car market Chery Cars China Essay - 14

Marketing Mix for U.S.A car market Chery Cars China - Essay Example Venturing into the American market requires a workable strategy that goes in line with the current needs of the customers. This means that the organisation has to conduct a thorough market research that would enable it come up with strategies of conquering the market. Lymbersky (29) noted that marketing strategy is all about defining objectives of the way an organisation intends to join a new market and satisfy the customers. Since Chery Cars China is not the first organisation to enter into the American market, it is apparent that there are different things that the organisation needs to look at to decide on the kind of products the American market needs. It would also be critical to understand what other organisations are offering so that the organisation can come up with unique products that would meet the expectations of the customers (Adekola, Abel and Serg). Besides, the customers must be convinced that Chery Cars China has high quality cars that are different from what they are used in the local market. With the American market being flooded with strong automobile companies like general motors and ford, Chery Cars China has to first carryout a market research on the quality of cars manufactured by these companies. This is indispensable in that the organisation will understand the taste of the customers before venturing into the market (Fernandez and Shengjun 2). This would call for a thorough assessment of the weaknesses of the existing companies so that the organisation can take advantage of that ad develops models that would please the customers. For instance, one of the leading strategies employed by the ford company in the US market is provision of quality cars that make its customers loyal. With the increased debate on the need to have eco-friendly cars in the contemporary world, Chery Cars China can take advantage and decide to design

Social Psychology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Psychology - Assignment Example In primitive cultures infanticide was an acceptable means of birth control. The social interactions of primitive cultures showed the hardness of life, with hunger and war the way of life. The cognitive processes would convince the mother’s that the environmental factors of their life were too much for a baby. The cultural context would approve of infanticide. Biological factors would include a mother’s love or bonding with the newborn baby. Infanticide would be expected out of primitive cultures due to research and study of text and uncovered ancient burial grounds. In today’s society infanticide is not an acceptable practice. Abortion is a practice that has become acceptable in the United States and other countries. Most abortions are due to environmental reasons, such as a woman feels too poor, does not want the baby, or other reasons. The biological factors are women that become pregnant accidently or find themselves having an unwanted pregnancy. In China wher e economic restraints are placed on couples with more than one child, gender profiling has caused the rise in abortion of the female gender. That is the Chinese culture. Contraception is also accepted in the United States and European countries. On the other hand, abortions and birth control are outlawed in Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran. The culture dictates the practice. Different societies practice different means of birth control. The birth control issue is based on social interactions. The obvious social interactions are between a man and woman of childbearing age. However the interaction between the sexually active woman and men and their social group is also important. A young married couple will probably receive a positive reaction. A young thirteen or fourteen year old would not receive a positive reaction. A couple with more than three or four children would not be positively received in the