Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Millennial Generation

————————————————- Using the five paragraph essay format, please present your perspective on the following topic. Provide examples to support your response. Include the proper APA citation(s) in your essay. ————————————————- Topic: Organization, time management, and effective communication are key elements to online learning. Discuss how you can use each of these elements toward your professional career. ————————————————- ————————————————- Today’s young Airman comes from the Millennial Generation and believes they inherently understand three important skill sets; organization, time management and communication. In speaking with them, they all point back to their mastery of today’s technology and social media applications as the reason they believe these skill sets come so naturally to them. Leading, managing and training Airmen in today’s Air Force is not only complicated, it can be quite frustrating for those who did not grow up with the technology currently available. The millennial Airman not only grew up with a full range of technology, but considers it a requirement to daily life. Hartman and McCambridge (2011) citing references (Tyler, 2007) describe millennials as those individuals born between 1980 and 2002, characterized as technologically sophisticated multi-taskers, who are accustomed to working in teams and who rely on their parents for guidance as they struggle to make decisions independently. While technology and resulting social media sites can assist us in organizing, managing and communicating, there is no substitute for experience. ————————————————- The Air Force, like most companies, businesses and groups requires organization skills at every level. While military life is full of structure, leadership within internal groups cannot effectively manage without organizing the force. Of the three skill sets discussed, this is where the millennials seem to excel. They eagerly embrace and utilize available tools to quickly accomplish the mission. When grouped and tasked with a project, they will immediately seek out the best tool to map out the plan and track progress, regardless of whether that tool is a white board or Microsoft Office © applications. ———————————————— Unlike their organizing aptitude, time management skills are clearly lacking in the millennial Airmen. Constantly bombarded with text messages and Facebook © updates on their readily available smart phone, they will halt a task just to check updates and st atuses on any number of applications. Hansen and Hansen (n. d. ) in their quintcareers. com article recognized effective and timely project implementation as one of the skills sought most by today’s employers. Not only is timely project completion important, but so is managing daily tasks. Talk with a millennial and you find they place stock in multi-tasking, but get distracted easily, thus failing to complete projects in a timely manner. ————————————————- Finally, effective communication is by far the most important of the three discussed skill sets and where the millennial Airman requires the most training and education. After researching numerous studies, Hartman and McCambridge (2011) concluded that effective communication is directly linked to an organization’s success. While communication comes in many forms (spoken, written, gestured, etc), the millennial tends to fall short in many, if not all. Just review a short email and you will find misspellings and a complete lack of grammar similar to a phone text. The millennial will argue that text messaging is evolving with its own grammar and syntax. While this may be true, an office’s professional correspondence requires effective grammar in order to move the mission forward. ————————————————- The Air Force’s future relies on the many aptitudes its people possess. While the three discussed here are just a sampling, they represent some important areas leaders and managers must concentrate on remain effective. In the book Taking Charge: Making the Right Choices (Smith, 1993), the author has rank-ordered twenty fundamental skills that every leader must possess and continually improve upon. Communication, time management and organization are numbered two, five and nine respectively (pages 2-5). By building upon these and many other skills, an organization will ensure its success and continued growth. With regard to the discussed skill sets, the millennial Airman brings an impressive array of tools centered around online collaboration. While they do not lack enthusiasm, they do require leadership to fine-tune these skills and make positive changes. ————————————————- ————————————————- References: ————————————————- Hartman J. & McCambridge J. (2011). Optimizing Millennials’ Communication Styles. Business Communication Quarterly, 74, 22-43. ————————————————- —————————— ——————- Tyler, K. (2007, May). The tethered generation. HR Magazine, 41-46. ————————————————- ————————————————- Hansen R. & Hansen K. (n. d. ), What Do Employers Really Want? Top Skills and Values Employers Seek from Job-Seekers. Retrieved from http://www. quintcareers. com/job_skills_values. html ————————————————- ————————————————- Perry, S. (1993), Taking Charge: Making the Right Choices. Garden City Park, NY: Avery Publishing Group Inc. ——————————————â €”—- ———————————————— ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————— ———————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————-

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Global North-South economic Essay

Why is there a Global North-South economic divide in world politics today? There have been and still are many problems in the world of politics today. The Global North-South economic divide is just one of them. In order for this essay to be answered, it needs to be split into several sections accordingly. Firstly a definition of what the ‘North-South’ divide will be offered, however there are many types of North-South divides (like digital divide, knowledge divide) but this essay will be looking at the economic divide. Secondly and the pivotal part is the reasons as to why the divide still exists in world politics today with reasons such as colonialism and trade. Finally a conclusion will be given summarising the essay and also provide ways to bridge the ‘gap’ in the North-South economic divide as for many states the divide has more disadvantages than advantages. The North-South divide is the socio-economic and political division which exists between the wealthy developed countries, known collectively as â€Å"The North†, and the poorer developing countries, as â€Å"The South†. Although most nations comprising the â€Å"North† are in fact located in the Northern Hemisphere, the divide is not primarily defined by geography. The term was coined to differentiate the cultural divide between East and West. As nations become economically developed, they may become part of the â€Å"North†, regardless of geographical location, while any other nations which do not qualify for â€Å"developed† status are in effect deemed to be part of the â€Å"South†.1 For more than a generation, the North-South divide was central to the explanation of world inequality and poverty. From the 1960’s until the late 1980’s, the image of a world split between the wealthy developed countries of the North and the poor developing countries of the South fuelled the activity of policy makers and scholars alike.2 Through the 1950’s and 1960’s, countries regarded as developing nations were weighted down with unequal trade agreements, multinational pricing practices, debt burden, pre-capitalist appropriation of labour, capital flight, the looting of natural resources and local corruption. As well, it was harder for the developing countries to compete and work in an economic system that favoured the northern countries.3 The international financial institutions, the stock markets, the commodity cartels and the monopoly structure of global capitalism stacked the cards against the developing world, in favour of tilting the economic wheel of prosperity towards the North. As a result, the pillage of the third world continued, even after the colonizers departed and, supposedly, left free, open and independent societies. In the process, however, the developing countries were left with depleted resources, a barren land, stagnate economies, financially ruined governments and impoverished people.4 From the 1960’s until the late 1980’s, the world split between the wealthy developed countries of the North and the poor developing countries of the South fuelled the activity of policy makers and scholars alike.5 One of the foremost reasons for why the north-south divide exists is because of colonialism. For a long time many countries in the North held colonies in the South as assests and prevented them from developing so that their power was retained. A good example is Zambia, which only gained independence in 1954. Up until then, Zambia was suppresed since over 70% of profits from copper went overseas and only $60 million of capital flowed into the country each year. Therefore the colonial power acted as a block to development. This is not the case now but there is something of a concern which is linked to colonialism which is multinational power. This is another reason why there is a global north-south economic divide today; multinationals like Nike and Coca Cola own many industries in the South. They exploit these countries through cheap land and labour as well as lax safety regulations.6 In Taiwan, many Nike employees have their rights suppresed and are paid ridiculous wages; to give an example of how much they get paid it is said that they work 10-12 hours a day, mostly every day and if they did this for a year they would earn roughly just à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1,500.00.7 This is what generally people in the UK earn in a month. Safety regulations in relation to Multinationals are also lax in many southern states; because Multinationals, through less regulation do not have to worry so much about safety regulations such as; safety for their workers like they would have in more developed countries, pollution controls and physical overload (amount of hours worked). One of the major reasons that there is a North-South economic divide, is because the North have mostly cornered the market, thus causing it to developed while the South struggle. The South is trying to develop, but have the problem in trading with the North as they have more control over markets. The inability to trade is an important aspect as trade is an essential part to development since a favourable balance of payments can be achieved.8 This leads to the next reason why the divide still exists; currency. Although the recent introduction of the Euro across Europe has improved the economy is some areas at the very least, the South do not have this luxury. Different states in the South all have different currencies so thus the inability of the South to obtain foreign currency like the dollar or the pound is an important reason as to why the divide still exists today. The currencies in the South are unstable and therefore in order to trade they must obtain currencies used worldwide; like the dollar or the pound. This is often achieved through international trade but this is blocked through lack of available markets and through the imposition of tariffs and quotas upon exports coming from the South. To give an example; one of the major constraints for South Africa in their supply of textiles and clothing has been inadequate foreign currency reserve causing them the inability to cover industry import needs.9 Another concern brought about in regards to the deteriotation of exchange rates is that it increases the poorer countries debt problem.10 In addition, when payments are made, precious national resources that could be spent on developing fair and sustainable economies and societies are channelled back to the rich North. In other words, the international status quo is impeding sustainable development, income generation and poverty eradication.11 Another reason for the divide is resource dependancy. The reliance on one export can at first be successful and prosperous but then can lead to disaster. As already mentioned, Zambia had much reliance over their copper sales. In 1997, Zambia was relying on copper to be its main seller as it was 75% of their export earnings in the mining industry; the vulnerability of Zambia’s economy due to its reliance on copper mining has been exposed in the very recent past by the falling copper price and by falling production as a result of limited re-investment in the mining industry. 12 Another point to make in relation to resources is in regard to Africa and coffee beans. As it is well known the WTO (World Trade Organisation) allows tariff escalation; this means it is cheaper and easier for Africans to export coffee beans that it is to export processed coffee. Therefore Africa does not develop beyond coffee growers.13 It also allows for tariff peaks that are used to keep out goods where African countries have particular advantage like leather goods. So therefore, any move by Africans to develop manufacturing capabilities or to exploit comparative advantage to benefit meaningfully from their products meets with enormous obstacles and disincentives n Northern markets. These obstacles are legal and continue the colonial legacy of forbidding manufacturing in the colonies.14 Governments especially in the South prevent their states developing, thus adding to the divide. Too many underdeveloped states are spending too much on arms trade rather than on more resourceful aspects such as health and education. To give an example Iraq is spending 32% of their GNP of military, while Iraq has 19.2%; this is a slightly back dated estimate so it would be best to assume the percentages would be higher.15 As many states in north are aiding those in the south, this causes a detrimental effect on the south. Although, the states from the north are aiding with good intentions, any aid that helps a part of the economy that a government is trying to develop will only prevent development and not help the country get to grips with its true economic situation. There are serious deficiences in this ideology of ‘North-South’ divide. The North uses the free trade ideology as a means of domination over the resources and livelihoods of the people of the South. To bring about a change in ‘fortunes’ for developing states like Africa, a number of obstacles have to be overcome. The first being the ideology of ‘free trade’ that contaminates every level of policy making in many countries. Most officials and ministers ‘do not know they do not know’ or are ‘politically’ helpless in the face of free trade ideology. 16 The principles of ‘free trade’ which are presented as inherently good are unsurprisingly absent in the North’s approach to agriculture. In agriculture free trade is turned on its head, because the WTO allows the North to use ‘trade distorting’ subsidies – state intervention that distorts the market: the ultimate trade sin.17 What needs to be done is that developing countries need to learn about international trade, they need to fight and make sure organisations such as the WTO and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) give fair justice to all states whether developed or developing. There are other views on development that are simply not canvassed at all by governments because they do not realise that they do not know; meaning developing states do not have all the information or even have access to information, therefore do not know what areas they can improve on or what areas they can fight against the developed countries. To give an example, a developing state cannot fight against developed countries over injustice if they do not have the resources or right information; the problem lies in that they do not realise that they actually do not know about certain policies but they think they do. Problems can be solved if organisations such as the WTO actually provide service not just for the North but also for the South. According to Mr. Atkinson of Oxfam, to bring peace and equality amongst economies in the world there needs to be a global framework of rules; which the WTO can provide, but those rules have to allow nations of the South to catch up to nations of the North at their own speed.18 To conclude, this essay has looked at the global North-South economic divide and has provided reasons as to why it still exists in world politics today. Reasons such as colonialism and the given example of Zambia and their reliance on copper. According to Kurt Achin who writes for ‘Voice of America’, the global north-south economic divide remains the fault line in approaching the next world trade summit.19 So as it can seen, the global North-South divide exists today for a variety of reasons, and it will continue to exists in world politics until these reasons are put straight and rectified so that equality can be share with the North and South. However, this view is not shared by all, as those ‘powerful’ states would prefer to have this ‘divide’ so that their economies can stay dominant and powerful. Reference Martens, P. (2003), International Centre for Integrative Studies: The Globalisation Timeline, University of Maastricht, vol. 4, no.3, pp 137-144 Thierien, P. J (1999), Beyond the North-South divide: The two tales of world poverty, Academic Search Elite, vol. 11, no.1, Issue 4 1 – 7-3-06 2 beyond the north-south divide journal – pg 1 of 18 – 2 tales of world poverty 3 4 – 23 5 Thierien, P. J (1999), Beyond the North-South divide: The two tales of world poverty, Academic Search Elite, vol. 11, no.1, Issue 4, pg 1 6 – 8-3-06 7 – 8-3-06 8 9 9-3-06 10 – 22-3 11 22-3 12 10-3-06 13 23- 14 23 15 – 15-3-06 16 23 17 23 18 – 25 19 25

Monday, July 29, 2019

Information System and League Tables Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Information System and League Tables - Essay Example Public administration is a complex and difficult process. Before a public service is delivered, it most likely has passed through several stages and agencies that composed the bureaucracy before it is delivered to the end user. Leslie Budd (2009) provided a specific benefit when she explained that e-government is primarily implemented in order to achieve economic efficiency, as information and communications technologies such as the IS can reduce the amount of bureaucratic procedures in public administrations. (p74) Traunmuller (2004), for his part, pointed out that bureaucracy imposes on its environment its rules, its operating modes and it transfers the management of complexity to the end user that is why, in the effort of governments to modernize, a transition towards end-user oriented approach is adopted. (p82) Crucial to this initiative is the solution for the problem of interoperability that characterizes bureaucracies. The issue about making public service easier to the public is a daunting task when services involve numerous agencies with their own respective mini bureaucracies. IS solved this dilemma. According to Traunmuller, this is achieved in the three stages that are crucial for the concept of e-government. To cite these stages:Anytime, Anywhere: the first of the process in electronic administration that involves the linking of different information held by different actors. IS solves this dilemma by providing the application by which the complex information system can be collected.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Evaluation Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Evaluation Argument - Essay Example 3) The argument is aimed at the general audience, some of whom may have differing opinions about the appropriateness of the pirate costume for a Halloween party. But they need to consider the validity of the costume keeping in mind the historical backdrop of pirates and how pirates still exist today, although in different guises. Some may find other costumes more appropriate and reject the idea of a pirate costume altogether. But the point to be noted for this discussion is that other costumes fail to satisfactorily meet all the criteria. 4) In forming the argument, I aim to base the validity of using a pirate costume from real life historical events and how many of the other costumes are borne from fiction and fantasy and not reality. In researching this topic, I refer to historical records pertaining to the age where much of the world's commerce was derived from ship farers and how high sea robbers spent much of their time chasing these ships for bounty. 5) The argument will be organized by first comparing the origins of some of the other costumes, (whether they came from fantasy or reality) with the pirate costume which is clearly based on historical fact. By focusing on the 'reality' aspect of pirates, explaining the fact that such bandits actually existed in the past, some credibility is given to the idea of a pirate costume. ... The argument will strive to give credence to the pirate, highlight the characteristics of strength, courage and daring that were the hallmarks of a pirate's personality and life. Comparisons will also be made with others costumes, against the different criteria and whether or not they are met. 6) The audience are both readers who like to believe that a pirate is the best costume for a Halloween party and to other readers who think otherwise but who would gain extra understanding from the argument proposed here. PAPER OUTLINE The introduction will enquire as to what is the best costume for a Halloween party and asks as to what are the different criteria to be used to base the argument on. A claim will be made about a pirate costume being ideal for a Halloween party. A selection of different criteria will be stated that are to be met in order for a pirate costume to qualify as being the ideal costume. The body of the final paper will set out to explain what various costumes represent, giving examples about whether the costumes originate from real life or fantasy. Next, the origin of wearing costumes in the context of Halloween is detailed and how the practice came about. Also a mention will be given to the justification of wearing a pirate costume for a Halloween party when clearly a pirate costume was never originally a part of the tradition of Halloween. This part will also look into the liberation a mask or costume can provide and how a pirate costume can enable the wearer to freely act out the role, thus providing some entertainment value. Comparisons with other costumes will also be made, even those that share similar 'qualities' with the pirate costume. A mention will also be given to the link that a pirate's traits has with a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Does mergers and acquitions create value Coursework

Does mergers and acquitions create value - Coursework Example 1-6 Definition of Terms 1-7 Summary CHAPTER-2 RELEVANT LITERATURE REVIEW 2-1 Overview of the Topic 2-2 Scope and Limitations of this Review 2-3 Organisation of the Literature Review 2-4 Discussion CHAPTER-3 METHODOLOGY 3-1 Research Methodology 3-2 Research Approach 3-3 Event study methodology 3-4 Assessment of firm efficiency 3-5 Wealth effects 3-6 Research Design 3-7 Consent Procedures 3-8 Instrumentation 3-9 Procedures 3-10 Data Collection and Recording 3-11 Data Process and Analysis 3-11 Methodological Assumptions CHAPTER-4 RESULTS / FINDINGS 4-1 Overview 4-2 Effectiveness of M&A: Mergers by UK companies 4-3 Expenses on acquisitions overseas by UK 4-4 Mergers Abroad By UK Companies 4-5 Mergers in UK by Foreign Companies 4-6 Mergers in UK by UK Companies CHAPTER-5 DECISION 5-1 Business Proposal 5-2 Service Development Plan 5-3 Key Recommendation CHAPTER-6 CONCLUSIONS Glossary Bibliography Appendix A. Survey Instruments Appendix B. Statistical Tabulations of Survey Data Appendix C List of Tables Page Table 1. Title of Table 1 Table 2. Title of Table 2 Table 3. Title of Table 3 Table 4. Title of Table 4 List of Figures Page Figure 1. Title of Figure 1 Figure 2. Title of Figure 2 Figure 3. Title of Figure 3 Figure 4. Title of Figure 4 Abstract/ Executive Summary Merger and acquisitions is essential to enabling for an active Business lives. 'Does Merger and acquisitions create value' for shareholders depends on the causal motivation of the transaction. Perfect market finance theory demonstrates that the risks of both public companies and their stockholders are well diversified since any single company is alleged by a large group of shareholders and every shareholder grips a market portfolio in the...Teacher and staffs of the Department are extremely helpful. Devoid of their assistance this study could not have reached its ultimate conclusion. National Statistics, Drummond Gate, London and other divisions National Statistics under the State Government cooperated entirely to collect data for this study. State employees helped with their openness, dedication and sincere desire to serve. All the optimistic attributes of this dissertation have driven from those mentioned above. The conclusions or any other errors, omissions and mistakes within this dissertation are attributable just to the author. Merger and acquisitions is essential to enabling for an active Business lives. 'Does Merger and acquisitions create value' for shareholders depends on the causal motivation of the transaction. Perfect market finance theory demonstrates that the risks of both public companies and their stockholders are well diversified since any single company is alleged by a large group of shareholders and every shareholder grips a market portfolio in the economy. Proviso the value of a firm is resolute by its future cash flows; shareholders would be apathetic to receiving cash flows from two separate firms then from a merged firm. Our present dissertation "Does Merger and acquisitions create value" aimed to investigate the implications of implementing Merger and acquisitions and draw conclusions, which will support the development

Business IT operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business IT operations - Essay Example company had certain advantages namely the turnover period has reduced, the delivery and lead time is reduced, maintenance of database is easy, feedback related to demand and supply has become more reliable and fast, etc and all these factors have helped the company to know the latest trends in market and customers’ demand. It helps the company to compete with quick changing environment where competition is increasing every day. It also helps in processes related to decision making of how to make customers more delighted and how can they customize their products so that profit increases with reduction in cost. Implementation of technology has also helped FYC in reduction of overall cost incurred in a selling process. Knowing mere about changes is not sufficient, what is important for an organization is distribution of this information efficiently so that the workforce who works in operation level knows the changes in time and can implement it. CAD and 3D technologies are being used for manufacturing modern customized products. Nowadays â€Å"green design† is in trend. Product demands are span over a huge range and increased customization (Enterprise and Industry, 2008). For this workforce need training and sharing of ideas. Furniture manufactured is basically of two types: ready - to – assemble (RAT) and factory finished. Manufacturing process consists of purchase of raw materials, deigning process with 3D technology, engineering of the manufacturing process. Manufacturing can also be computer - aided manufacturing and robotics (Hoovers, n.d.). In the manufacturing department, the various divisions include division for cutting parts, division for technical overview, and division for assembling parts, division for polishing and also division for reengineering. All these divisions have to work hand in hand. They should know the progress taking place in other departments so that they can maintain the pace according to the requirements. Both horizontal and

Friday, July 26, 2019

The History on my Japanese Dish Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The History on my Japanese Dish - Research Paper Example uch as French fries or French rolls, bacons and hamburgers as uniquely American or English, pizza, spaghetti or pepperoni cheese as Italian and so it is with the Japanese, with their food. History of chopsticks – Asian culinary culture and history is closely intertwined with the development and spread of chopsticks. These so-called sticks are actually two pieces that are about 9-10 inches in length and rectangular in shape, used to pick up small pieces of food. These first originated in China some 5,000 years ago and most probably was invented by the people who first used branch twigs to pick out hot food from a pot, since they cannot wait any longer for cooked food to cool down a bit (must have been really hungry already!). Using the chopsticks requires a degree of manual dexterity, as food could easily fall off or slide down in the process of picking it up and putting it into the mouth. Eating using chopsticks means to eat from a bowl because it cannot possibly be used to handle soups, so the bowl makes it easier to just gulp down the soup or any liquid while using the chopsticks to scrape for solid tidbits. Japanese chopsticks – the Japanese are an enterprising and innovative people. They are quick learners too, and adopted the chopsticks from the Chinese, like the Koreans and the other Asian nations or cultures such as the Vietnamese and Malaysians of Chinese descent. In Japan, their chopsticks are round in shape instead of rectangular, and the lower ends are now pointed or tapered instead of being flat or blunt. Chopsticks as used in Japan are associated in their religious ceremonies and the so-called fine art of dining, together with the tea ceremony. Eating in Japan is not merely for the sake of eating to assuage hunger pangs but rather a very elaborate affair, designed to prolong the gustatory delight of savoring delicious food. Chinese chopsticks were like tweezers, as they were joined at the top but this reduces flexibility as it is being used.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 10

Sociology - Essay Example It is the separation of economy and state† (Capitalism, socialism and Mixed-Economy, 2007). According to Przeworski (1990) capitalist economic system working under a totalitarian political one is possible. In most cases, capitalism requires a democratic political system in which to function. Likewise a socialist economic system can be either part of Communism or Socialism. Thus capitalist economic institutions under totalitarian governments (for instance, Fascist or Communist) become generally more centralized, more planned, and rely less or not at all on a free market. Capitalism, therefore, requires a democratic political environment if it is to exist and function. It should be recognized that state ownership, and control, and planning produce a bureaucracy and power situation which may latently provide the basis for totalitarianism. Socialism means †control of property is put into the hands of society as a whole† (Capitalism, socialism and Mixed-Economy, 2007). The classical argument for the perfectly competitive, and free market has therefore been under considerable attack for some years. The weak point of socialist system is that it rests on collectivism which limits free market operations and economic performance. One of the most obvious features of collectivism as an economic system is the absence of the right of private persons to hold property. Property rights of a sort might exist under an absolute dictatorship to the extent that the dictator personally controls all resources in the economy, which he would then regard as his personal property. In a collectivist society there are no market prices to help guide the dictator by serving as indicators of expected benefit and expected cost, and enabling him objectively and meaningfully to record the benefits and costs of each undertaking. A ‘mixed economy’ is a combination of capitalism and socialism which help to achieve the best economic

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How Thomas Church and Andrew Jackson Downing were from two different Essay

How Thomas Church and Andrew Jackson Downing were from two different eras but both were influential in establishing the pattern - Essay Example Both men shared the opinion that gardens should be for everyone; indeed, the title of Thomas Church’s book, Gardens are for People, seems to say everything about his philosophy on gardens, believing that they are for people to enjoy, not just look at (Tilston). Downing, as well, thought that gardens should be accessible to all, not just the well-to-do members of society, and lobbied hard with politicians to create a space of greenery in New York City, accessible to all (R.). Though working in different time frames and with different areas of the country, both Downing and Church have had a lasting influence on gardens seen by those living in the present-day era, mainly due to their willingness to go against what was considered â€Å"conventional† at the time during their work, but also because they believed that gardens, plants, and greenery should be accessible to all, not just the wealthy. Andrew Jackson Downing was born on October 15, 1831, in Newburg, New York. He fi nished his schooling at the age of 16, and came by his love of landscaping and gardening honestly, as his father ran a nursery in which he worked after finishing school (â€Å"Living Places†). ... udson River, those with money to spend immediately bough trade gardening books from merchant-class England, where they were popular (â€Å"†). Gardens of the working class, or â€Å"those raised between the plow handles† (â€Å"Smithsonian Gardens†) were limited to functionality. They were not interested in growing a beautiful plant or flower to look at, but how many vegetables could be grown to feed the usually ever-growing family. Downing had an undeniable and lasting effect on American landscape and gardening with the publishing of his first book, A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America, published in 1841. The book, the first of its kind to be published in North America, brought immediate fame and recognition as people realized, perhaps for the first time, that they did not have to have large gardens filled with exotic plants; their style could be more of a simple taste. People also realized, as pro moted through Downing, that they could use the natural beauty of their surroundings and plants that were native to North America to define their style (â€Å"Smithsonian Gardens†). Though Downing was a follower of the English style of gardens, as well as the Greek Revival style of homes, he carefully tailored his book to the needs of North Americans, recognizing several key points (â€Å"Smithsonian Gardens†). First and foremost, Downing recognized that the soils of North America were different from that of Europe, and therefore would need plants and flora that grew and prospered in North America, not imports from Europe, along with the belief that Americans were not aristocratic like most of Europe, and therefore should celebrate their republicanism, hence his designs for middle and lower class cottages and gardens

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Critical Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Review - Essay Example Data was collected via interviews and questionnaires. The research concluded that the speaking assessments were designed to minimize the psychological stress upon the students, save their as well as the teachers’ time, and obviate the need for teacher to interview the students. The teachers involved in the research were found least concerned with their assessments’ reliability and validity. This essentially minimized the teachers’ confidence in their own assessments. The classroom specific barriers included large size of the classes, excessive work, and lack of sufficient training of the teachers. Korean secondary school teachers require assistance of administration in order to realize new and improved ways of speaking assessment. Critical analysis: This article has the potential to influence the Korean academia in a number of ways. Realization of a problem is the first and the foremost step for its resolution. This article particularly addresses this. English sp eaking ability of the Korean students depends fundamentally upon the skills and competence of the teacher as well as the methods employed by them to assess the speech of students. This research has covered the basic steps in the way of bringing improvement in the speaking assessment ability of the teachers. Apparently, no negative aspect of the article can be depicted since the research article makes a significant contribution to the existing body of knowledge regarding the factors evaluated by the teachers in their assessments of students’ speaking ability. The fundamental goal of assessment is to improve the pedagogical approach adopted by the teacher and assist the students in controlling their learning. This can not be achieved without authentic assessment which is linked with the program’s instructional objectives. Development and administration of a speaking assessment can be very challenging specially when the teacher’s powers are limited by a lot of cons traints. One thing of particular interest discovered as a result of this research was that most of the problems with the speaking assessment pertained to the system employed in the educational setup. A vast majority of the teachers knew that the quality of the methods employed by them to assess the students’ English speaking ability was compromising, yet there was little that they could do about it. The problem was found to originate not in the teachers’ slackness, but in various constraints most of which were beyond the control of teachers. In a conventional educational system, time is limited. Teachers have to cover a lot of course in a very limited time. In that time, the teacher does not only have to achieve his/her target with respect to curriculum, but also counsel the students individually and collectively, understand the psyche of each student so as to work out the method that best works for him/her, and take exams. Ironically, most teachers give easy assignmen ts because they find it easy to check them. It is interesting to find that assignments, that are abhorred by students are actually much more of a burden for the teachers who have to find time to check them. Another factor that is very interesting is the fact that the teachers themselves do not at all feel

Monday, July 22, 2019

Middle East Essay Example for Free

Middle East Essay The central difference between Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims is the manner in which they have chosen to recognize leadership in Islam following the death of the prophet Muhammad. Etymologically, Sunni people are those who â€Å"follow the traditions of the Prophet,† whilst the Shia are those who follow the â€Å"Household of the Prophet,† and these are apt descriptors of the manner in which they differ. Sunni Muslims chose to recognize the authority of Muhammad’s companions, who declared that the role of leadership was to be accorded to one deemed capable, establishing a Caliphate under Muhammad’s confidante, Abu Bakr. Shia Muslims on the other hand, chose not to recognize the authority of the Caliphate, and instead devoted themselves to a line of Imams they believe to be appointed through divine right. Shia Muslims are essentially the minority, with Sunni Muslim comprising 85% of the world’s Islamic population. Generally speaking, Amin maintains that despite these political differences, their core beliefs are fundamentally the same. The fundamental analogy he provides is the contrast between Protestantism and the Roman Catholic Orthodoxy. The Shia Imam is essentially a nigh-infallible figure accorded Pope-like reverence, while the Sunni choose a more individualistic and secular form of respect, eschewing formal clergy in favor of scholarship and independence much like Protestantism. Other than that, they agree on many critical aspects of Islam: the Five Pillars, and neither group denies the other’s right to identifying as Muslim. As Athar observes, many Muslims do not actually actively distinguish themselves nominally. However, Athar also argues that the political ramifications of their differences have led to an unfair stigmatization of the Shia Muslims within Western media, if it chooses at all to inform non-Muslims of these differences. One notable misconception is the notion that Shia do not pay ‘zakat’ or poor-due when in fact, they do. They simply choose not to make this contribution through the Sunni government, which they believe to be corrupt. Works Cited Amin, Hussein Abdulwaheed. â€Å"The Origins of the Sunni/Shia split in Islam. † Islam For Today. 17 August 2007. Retrieved August 29, 2008 from: http://www. islamfortoday. com/shia. htm Athar, Shahid. â€Å"Shia Sunni Unity: Shia Sunni Differences, Shia Sunni Conflict. † Islam Online. 5 June 2007. Retrieved August 29, 2008 from: http://www. ezsoftech. com/Akram/shiasunniunity. asp